Saturday, September 4, 2010


Today my fiance and I will be traveling out of town.  My mother is throwing a baby shower for us.  I love visiting with her, regardless of the occasion.  There is something about this woman that makes me feel so alive and so full of love.  Words cannot describe it entirely.  I know there are people out there that feel the same way for their mom, and I also know there are many who don't.  In fact, I have a few friends who have not had the pleasure of feeling this way.  I try to fathom the idea of having a mother with dependency and/or psychology problems, and I just can't.  It is unnerving to know children have to deal with these things (sometimes their entire lives.) 

While many people say they do not want to end up like their parents, I say I wouldn't mind.  In fact, I say I am.  (And this includes my father as well.)  While my mom and I share differing lifestyles, we are in fact very much alike in the realm of our minds.  I wouldn't change that for anything.  She instilled in me some of the greatest values.  I hope I can pass these on to my son as he is growing and learning from the world.

I am thankful for her every single day of my life.  I suppose I simply wish everyone could feel the same way.  A mother should care for and love her children unconditionally.  Why some women don't is beyond my comprehension.  I hope, if you have children, you will remember that you are shaping their existence every moment of your day.  You are creating small pieces of who they are.  These small pieces will expand and become larger traits as they learn what they fully mean. 

Parent - [pair-uhnt, par-] - A protector or guardian.

Changing our world one at a time....

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