I have two friends, in particular, who hold negative mindsets in almost every situation life throws at them. I then have another friend who follows everyone else's ideas and feelings. I tend to be the one who tells them they all need to look at things in a different light. The problem is no one listens until they are ready to. It's a fact of life. I never used to listen to anyone's opinions unless they reflected my own. I think a lot of people are that way still. However, I've learned throughout the years that negative thoughts and feelings are our own creations and can be controlled. Because of this, I hope to help my friends break through the endless cycles that inevitably lead to depression and angst.
I believe the first step for everyone on this planet is to read about Choice Theory. I don't know a single person who has read about it and tried calling it a lie or hoax. Once brought into your mind, choice theory is there forever. It is an important concept. You can only control yourself, no one else, and you can control every single part of yourself. It's a hard thing to swallow at first, because no one really wants to take that much responsibility over their own actions. I felt the same way when I first heard about it. But if you really look into it, and really grasp it, you will feel better. You will know you are able to be happy. It's all under your control. You choose to be happy or to be down in the dumps. It's absolutely miraculous once you realize the power you have in this situation.
On top of Choice Theory, everyone should studies all the religions they can possibly find. I did, and I feel like my own personal belief system is better because of it. We should not be limiting ourselves to one or two religions. There is such a wide range of spiritual beliefs out there. Why would anyone want to run to the shelter of one thing? I will label myself as a Buddhist, because it is where most of my energy resonates right now. But that is not to say I will continue to be a Buddhist for the rest of my life. That is also not to say I am ENTIRELY Buddhist. There are a lot of Buddhist practices I don't follow. I am my own person, and I will not pretend to be someone else. I follow my heart and my mind, not someone else's spiritual practices. My point here is this: Everyone should study Buddhism. Not Buddhism the religion, but rather the philosophy it was originally supposed to be. The statement, "Be here now," has become one of the greatest mantras of all time. It will help you in any situation, as long as you can fully practice it. There is only this moment. If you are living in the past or the present, you are like the living dead, barely existing, walking around like zombies. Who doesn't want to embrace their lives while they have them? I never realized I was missing out on life until I started practicing being in the now. It's important to try this for yourself and see the difference.
I think I will quit my rambling for the day. But I hope someone out there can understand where I am coming from with all this.
Here's to a more positive outlook!
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